CAtom | Atom string holder |
CCallAccount | Settings for an account handling calls |
CComplex | A Complex (float) number |
▼CDebugEnabler | A holder for a debug level |
►CChannel | An abstract communication channel |
►CPlugin | Plugin support |
►CXmlSaxParser | Serial Access XML Parser |
CDebugger | An object that logs messages on creation and destruction |
CEngine | Engine globals |
CEngineCheck | Engine checker interface |
CFlags32 | A 32 bit length list of flags |
CFormatInfo | |
CFormatRepository | A repository for media formats |
▼CGenObject | |
CCipher | An abstract cipher |
►CClientFileItem | A file/directory item |
►CClientLogic | Base class for all client logics |
►CDataBlock | A class that holds just a block of raw data |
►CDnsRecord | A DNS record |
CGenPointer< Obj > | Templated pointer that can be inserted in a list |
CHashList | A hashed object list class |
►CMathVectorBase | Base class for vector class(es) |
CMessageDispatcher | A message dispatching hub |
►CMessageReceiver | A multiple message receiver |
►CMimeBody | Abstract MIME data holder |
CObjList | An object list class |
CObjVector | A vector holding GenObjects |
CPlugin | Plugin support |
►CRefObject | |
CSocketAddr | A socket address holder |
CSocketFilter | A filter for received socket data |
►CString | A C-style string handling class |
CTranslatorFactory | An unidirectional data translator (codec) |
CWindow | An abstract user interface window |
►CXmlChild | Xml Child |
▼CHasher | An abstract hashing class |
CMD5 | A standard MD5 digest calculator |
CSHA1 | A standard SHA1 digest calculator |
CSHA256 | A standard SHA256 digest calculator |
CImageInfo | |
CListIterator | Class used to iterate the items of a list |
CLock | Ephemeral mutex or semaphore locking object |
CLock2 | Ephemeral double mutex locking object |
▼CLockable | Abstract interface for lockable objects |
►CMutex | Mutex support |
CSemaphore | Semaphore implementation |
CMath | Math utilities |
▼CMessageNotifier | Post-dispatching message hook |
CChannel | An abstract communication channel |
CMessagePostHook | Post-dispatching message hook that can be added to a list |
CMutexPool | A Mutex pool |
CNamedIterator | NamedList parameters iterator |
CRandom | Pseudo random number generator |
▼CRefPointerBase | Internal helper class |
CRefPointer< Obj > | Templated smart pointer class |
CResolver | DNS services |
▼CRunnable | Encapsulates a runnable task |
►CThread | Thread support class |
▼CStream | An abstract stream class capable of reading and writing |
CFile | A stream file class |
CMemoryStream | A Stream that operates on DataBlocks in memory |
►CSocket | A generic socket class |
CSysUsage | A class exposing system resources usage |
CTempObjectCounter | Ephemeral object counter changer |
CTime | A time holding class |
CTokenDict | |
CTranslatorCaps | |
CUChar | A single Unicode character |
CXmlEscape | |
▼CXmlParent | Xml Parent |
CXmlDocument | Xml Document |
CXmlElement | Xml Element |
CXmlFragment | Xml Fragment |