"; if ($use_utf) print "Raw header used to set charset to UTF-8

\n"; $charset = $_POST['charset']; $text = $_POST['text']; if ($charset != "" && $text != "") { print " charset: $charset
text: $text
"; $filename = "/var/spool/sms/outgoing/smstest-" .date("siH"); if (($handle = fopen($filename .".LOCK", "w")) != false) { $l = strlen($st = "To: $to\n"); fwrite($handle, $st); if ($charset == "UNICODE") { $l += strlen($st = "Alphabet: UCS\n"); fwrite($handle, $st); $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, "UCS-2BE", "UTF-8"); } else if ($charset == "ISO") $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, "ISO-8859-15", "UTF-8"); if ($_POST['flash'] != "") { $l += strlen($st = "Flash: yes\n"); fwrite($handle, $st); } $l += strlen($st = "Adjustment: +"); fwrite($handle, $st); $pad = 14 - $l % 16 + 16; while ($pad-- > 0) fwrite($handle, "+"); fwrite($handle, "\n\n$text"); fclose($handle); if (($handle = fopen($filename .".LOCK", "r")) == false) print "Unable to read message file.
"; else { print "
      while (!feof($handle))
        echo fgets($handle, 1024);
      print "
\n"; fclose($handle); } $tmpfilename = tempnam("/tmp", "smstest-"); exec("/usr/bin/hexdump -C < $filename.LOCK > $tmpfilename"); if (($handle = fopen($tmpfilename, "r")) == false) print "Unable to create dump.
"; else { print "
      while (!feof($handle))
        echo fgets($handle, 1024);
      print "
\n"; fclose($handle); unlink($tmpfilename); } if ($_POST['showonly'] == "") { if (rename($filename .".LOCK", $filename) == true) print "Message placed to the spooler,
filename: $filename
\n"; else print "FAILED!
\n"; } else unlink($filename .".LOCK"); } else print "FAILED!
\n"; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') $result = 'https://'; else $result = 'http://'; $result .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; print "
Back\n"; } else { print "
Send a message using:
No charset conversion here

Show only the message file dump


"; } print " "; ?>