include (LibAddMacros) set(IS_INSTALLED "YES") configure_file ( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" @ONLY ) file(READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" INCLUDE_COMMON_INSTALLED_FILE) set(IS_INSTALLED "NO") configure_file ( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" @ONLY ) file(READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" INCLUDE_COMMON_FILE) file(REMOVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/") # Add a test for a script # # The given testname is # the script file must be called # it will be installed on the system as # the test will be called testscr_blah # and the script file for the test will be function (add_scripttest testname) get_filename_component (testname_we ${testname} NAME_WE) set (filename ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${testname}) if (NOT EXISTS ${filename}) message (SEND_ERROR "add_scripttest: given file ${filename} does not exists") endif (NOT EXISTS ${filename}) foreach (TARGET true false) if (TARGET) #cascading of if is && for poor people if (INSTALL_TESTING) if (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "check_formatting") if (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "check_oclint") if (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "check_plugins") if (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "check_gen") if (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "check_external") if (BUILD_FULL) set (KDB_COMMAND "kdb-full") else (BUILD_FULL) if (BUILD_STATIC) set (KDB_COMMAND "kdb-static") else (BUILD_STATIC) set (KDB_COMMAND "kdb") endif (BUILD_STATIC) endif (BUILD_FULL) set(RACE_COMMAND "$KDB race") set(INCLUDE_COMMON "${INCLUDE_COMMON_INSTALLED_FILE}if [ -z \"$KDB\" ]; then KDB=${KDB_COMMAND}; fi") configure_file( "${filename}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${testname}" @ONLY ) install (FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${testname}" DESTINATION ${TARGET_TOOL_EXEC_FOLDER} PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_READ GROUP_EXECUTE WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE RENAME ${testname_we} ) endif (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "check_external") endif (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "check_gen") endif (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "check_plugins") endif (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "check_oclint") endif (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "check_formatting") endif(INSTALL_TESTING) else (TARGET) if (ENABLE_KDB_TESTING) if (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "run_all") if (BUILD_FULL) set (KDB_COMMAND "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/kdb-full") elseif (BUILD_STATIC) set (KDB_COMMAND "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/kdb-static") elseif (BUILD_SHARED) set (KDB_COMMAND "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/kdb") else () message(SEND_ERROR "no kdb tool found, please enable BUILD_FULL, BUILD_STATIC or BUILD_SHARED") endif (BUILD_FULL) set(RACE_COMMAND "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/race") set(INCLUDE_COMMON "${INCLUDE_COMMON_FILE}KDB=\"${KDB_COMMAND}\"" ) set(testscriptname "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/testscr_${testname}") configure_file( "${filename}" "${testscriptname}" @ONLY ) add_test ( testscr_${testname_we} "${testscriptname}" ) #dash does memleak: set_property(TEST testscr_${testname_we} PROPERTY LABELS memleak kdbtests) endif (NOT ${testname_we} STREQUAL "run_all") endif(ENABLE_KDB_TESTING) endif (TARGET) endforeach() endfunction (add_scripttest) if (INSTALL_TESTING) install ( DIRECTORY "shell" DESTINATION ${TARGET_TEST_DATA_FOLDER} ) endif (INSTALL_TESTING) file (GLOB SCRIPT_TESTS *.sh) foreach (file ${SCRIPT_TESTS}) get_filename_component (name ${file} NAME) # The test `testscr_check_kdb_internal_check` might fail on Linux if ASAN is enabled because of problematic code in `stl_tree.h` if (NOT (${name} MATCHES "check_kdb_internal_check" AND ENABLE_ASAN AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux")) add_scripttest(${name}) endif (NOT (${name} MATCHES "check_kdb_internal_check" AND ENABLE_ASAN AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux")) endforeach (file ${SCRIPT_TESTS})