{% extends "home_base.html" %} {% load seahub_tags avatar_tags i18n %} {% load url from future %} {% block sub_title %}{% trans "Personal Wiki" %} - {% endblock %} {% block cur_personal_wiki %}tab-cur{% endblock %} {% comment %} {% block left_panel %} {{ block.super }} {% if wiki_exists %}
{% if not wiki_index_exists %}

{% trans "Wiki Index" %}

{% trans "No index now." %}

{% else %}

{% trans "Wiki Index" %}

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% endcomment %} {% block right_panel %} {% if not wiki_exists %}

{% trans "You do not have personal wiki" %}

{% trans "Seafile Wiki enables you to organize your knowledge in a simple way. The contents of wiki is stored in a normal library with pre-defined file/folder structure. This enables you to edit your wiki in your desktop and then sync back to the server." %}

{% trans "Create Wiki Now" %} {% if owned_repos %}
{% trans "Choose a library as wiki" %} {% endif %}
{% csrf_token %}

{% trans "Create Wiki" %}

{% csrf_token %}

{% trans "Choose a library as wiki:" %}

{% trans "Please click and choose a library."%}

{% else %}
{% trans "Edit Page" %} {% trans "Page History" %}

{{ page|capfirst }}

{% blocktrans with modifier=latest_contributor|email2nickname modify_time=last_modified|translate_seahub_time %}Last modified by {{modifier}}, {{modify_time}}{% endblocktrans %}

{% csrf_token %}

{% trans "New Page"%}

{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block extra_script %}{{block.super}} {% endblock %}