{% extends "sysadmin/base.html" %} {% load seahub_tags i18n %} {% block cur_settings %}tab-cur{% endblock %} {% block right_panel %}

{% trans "Settings" %}

{% trans "Note: Settings via web interface are saved in database table (seahub-db/constance_config). They have a higher priority over the settings in config files." %}


{% with type="input" setting_display_name="SERVICE_URL" setting_name="SERVICE_URL" setting_val=config_dict.SERVICE_URL %} {% trans "The URL of the server, like https://seafile.example.com or" as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="input" setting_display_name="FILE_SERVER_ROOT" setting_name="FILE_SERVER_ROOT" setting_val=config_dict.FILE_SERVER_ROOT %} {% trans "The internal URL for downloading/uploading files. Users will not be able to download/upload files if this is not set correctly. If you config Seafile behind Nginx/Apache, it should be SERVICE_URL/seafhttp, like https://seafile.example.com/seafhttp ." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %}


{% with type="file" setting_display_name="Logo" setting_name="logo" file_path=logo_path file_width=256 file_height=64 help_tip="logo.png, 256px * 64px" %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="file" setting_display_name="Favicon" setting_name="favicon" file_path=favicon_path file_width=32 file_height=32 help_tip="favicon.ico, 32px * 32px" %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="file" setting_name="login_bg_image" file_path=login_bg_image_path file_width=240 file_height=160 help_tip="login-bg.jpg, 2400px * 1600px" %} {% trans "Login Background Image" as setting_display_name %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %}

{% trans "User" %}

{% with type="checkbox" setting_name="ENABLE_SIGNUP" setting_val=config_dict.ENABLE_SIGNUP %} {% trans "allow new registrations" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "Allow new user registrations. Uncheck this to prevent anyone from creating a new account." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="checkbox" setting_name="ACTIVATE_AFTER_REGISTRATION" setting_val=config_dict.ACTIVATE_AFTER_REGISTRATION %} {% trans "activate after registration" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "Activate user immediately after registration. If unchecked, a user need to be activated by administrator or via activation email" as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="checkbox" setting_name="REGISTRATION_SEND_MAIL" setting_val=config_dict.REGISTRATION_SEND_MAIL %} {% trans "send activation email" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "Send activation Email after user registration." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="input" setting_name="LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS" setting_val=config_dict.LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS %} {% trans "keep sign in" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "Number of days that keep user sign in." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="input" setting_display_name="LOGIN_ATTEMPT_LIMIT" setting_name="LOGIN_ATTEMPT_LIMIT" setting_val=config_dict.LOGIN_ATTEMPT_LIMIT %} {% trans "The maximum number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="checkbox" setting_display_name="FREEZE_USER_ON_LOGIN_FAILED" setting_name="FREEZE_USER_ON_LOGIN_FAILED" setting_val=config_dict.FREEZE_USER_ON_LOGIN_FAILED %} {% trans "Freeze user account when failed login attempts exceed limit." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %}

{% trans "Groups" %}

{% with type="checkbox" setting_display_name="ENABLE_SHARE_TO_ALL_GROUPS" setting_name="ENABLE_SHARE_TO_ALL_GROUPS" setting_val=config_dict.ENABLE_SHARE_TO_ALL_GROUPS %} {% trans "Enable users to share libraries to any groups in the system." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %}

{% trans "Password" %}

{% with type="checkbox" setting_name="USER_STRONG_PASSWORD_REQUIRED" setting_val=config_dict.USER_STRONG_PASSWORD_REQUIRED %} {% trans "strong password" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "Force user to use a strong password when sign up or change password." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="checkbox" setting_name="FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE" setting_val=config_dict.FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE %} {% trans "force password change" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "Force user to change password when account is newly added or reset by admin" as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="input" setting_name="USER_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH" setting_val=config_dict.USER_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH %} {% trans "password minimum length" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "The least number of characters an account password should include." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="input" setting_name="USER_PASSWORD_STRENGTH_LEVEL" setting_val=config_dict.USER_PASSWORD_STRENGTH_LEVEL %} {% trans "password strength level" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "The level(1-4) of an account password's strength. For example, '3' means password must have at least 3 of the following: num, upper letter, lower letter and other symbols" as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="checkbox" setting_name="ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH" setting_val=config_dict.ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH %} {% trans "enable two factor authentication" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "Enable two factor authentication" as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %}

{% trans "Library" %}

{% with type="checkbox" setting_name="ENABLE_REPO_HISTORY_SETTING" setting_val=config_dict.ENABLE_REPO_HISTORY_SETTING %} {% trans "library history" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "Allow user to change library history settings" as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="checkbox" setting_name="ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY" setting_val=config_dict.ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY %} {% trans "encrypted library" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "Allow user to create encrypted libraries" as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="input" setting_name="REPO_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH" setting_val=config_dict.REPO_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH %} {% trans "library password minimum length" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "The least number of characters an encrypted library password should include." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="input" setting_name="SHARE_LINK_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH" setting_val=config_dict.SHARE_LINK_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH %} {% trans "download/upload link password minimum length" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "The least number of characters a download/upload link password should include." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with type="checkbox" setting_display_name="ENABLE_USER_CREATE_ORG_REPO" setting_name="ENABLE_USER_CREATE_ORG_REPO" setting_val=config_dict.ENABLE_USER_CREATE_ORG_REPO %} {% trans "Allow user to add organization libraries. Otherwise, only system admin can add organization libraries." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %}

{% trans "Online Preview" %}

{% with type="textarea" setting_name="TEXT_PREVIEW_EXT" setting_val=config_dict.TEXT_PREVIEW_EXT %} {% trans "text file extensions" as setting_display_name %} {% trans "Extensions of text files that can be online previewed, each suffix is separated by a comma." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %}

{% trans "Sync" %}

{% with type="checkbox" setting_display_name="DISABLE_SYNC_WITH_ANY_FOLDER" setting_name="DISABLE_SYNC_WITH_ANY_FOLDER" setting_val=config_dict.DISABLE_SYNC_WITH_ANY_FOLDER %} {% trans "If turn on, the desktop clients will not be able to sync a folder outside the default Seafile folder." as help_tip %} {% include "snippets/web_settings_form.html" %} {% endwith %}
{% endblock %} {% block extra_script %} {% endblock %}