rrdcreate - Set up a new Round Robin Database
rrdtool create filename [--start|-b start time] [--step|-s step] DS:ds-name:DST:heartbeat:min:max [DS:...] ... RRA:CF:xff:steps:rows [RRA:...] ...
The create function of the RRDTool lets you set up new Round Robin Database (RRD) files. The file is created at its final, full size and filled with *UNKNOWN* data.
See also AT-STYLE TIME SPECIFICATION section in the rrdfetch documentation for more ways to specify time.
ds-name is the name you will use to reference this particular data source from an RRD. A ds-name must be 1 to 19 characters long in the characters [a-zA-Z0-9_].
DST defines the Data Source Type. See the section on ``How to Measure'' below for further insight. The Data Source Type must be one of the following:
heartbeat defines the maximum number of seconds that may pass between two updates of this data source before the value of the data source is assumed to be *UNKNOWN*.
min and max are optional entries defining the expected range of the data supplied by this data source. If min and/or max are defined, any value outside the defined range will be regarded as *UNKNOWN*. If you do not know or care about min and max, set them to U for unknown. Note that min and max always refer to the processed values of the DS. For a traffic-COUNTER type DS this would be the max and min data-rate expected from the device.
If information on minimal/maximal expected values is available, always set the min and/or max properties. This will help RRDTool in doing a simple sanity check on the data supplied when running update.
When data is entered into an RRD, it is first fit into time slots of the length defined with the -s option becoming a primary data point.
The data is also consolidated with the consolidation function (CF) of the archive. The following consolidation functions are defined: AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, LAST.
xff The xfiles factor defines what part of a consolidation interval may be made up from *UNKNOWN* data while the consolidated value is still regarded as known.
steps defines how many of these primary data points are used to build a consolidated data point which then goes into the archive.
rows defines how many generations of data values are kept in an RRA.
Here is an explanation by Don Baarda on the inner workings of RRDTool. It may help you to sort out why all this *UNKNOWN* data is popping up in your databases:
RRD gets fed samples at arbitrary times. From these it builds Primary Data Points (PDPs) at exact times every ``step'' interval. The PDPs are then accumulated into RRAs.
The ``heartbeat'' defines the maximum acceptable interval between samples. If the interval between samples is less than ``heartbeat'', then an average rate is calculated and applied for that interval. If the interval between samples is longer than ``heartbeat'', then that entire interval is considered ``unknown''. Note that there are other things that can make a sample interval ``unknown'', such as the rate exceeding limits, or even an ``unknown'' input sample.
The known rates during a PDP's ``step'' interval are used to calculate an average rate for that PDP. Also, if the total ``unknown'' time during the ``step'' interval exceeds the ``heartbeat'', the entire PDP is marked as ``unknown''. This means that a mixture of known and ``unknown'' sample time in a single PDP ``step'' may or may not add up to enough ``unknown'' time to exceed ``heartbeat'' and hence mark the whole PDP ``unknown''. So ``heartbeat'' is not only the maximum acceptable interval between samples, but also the maximum acceptable amount of ``unknown'' time per PDP (obviously this is only significant if you have ``heartbeat'' less than ``step'').
The ``heartbeat'' can be short (unusual) or long (typical) relative to the ``step'' interval between PDPs. A short ``heartbeat'' means you require multiple samples per PDP, and if you don't get them mark the PDP unknown. A long heartbeat can span multiple ``steps'', which means it is acceptable to have multiple PDPs calculated from a single sample. An extreme example of this might be a ``step'' of 5 minutes and a ``heartbeat'' of one day, in which case a single sample every day will result in all the PDPs for that entire day period being set to the same average rate. -- Don Baarda <don.baarda@baesystems.com>
Here are a few hints on how to measure:
rrdtool create temperature.rrd --step 300 DS:temp:GAUGE:600:-273:5000
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1200 RRA:MIN:0.5:12:2400 RRA:MAX:0.5:12:2400
This sets up an RRD called temperature.rrd which accepts one temperature value every 300 seconds. If no new data is supplied for more than 600 seconds, the temperature becomes *UNKNOWN*. The minimum acceptable value is -273 and the maximum is 5000.
A few archives areas are also defined. The first stores the temperatures supplied for 100 hours (1200 * 300 seconds = 100 hours). The second RRA stores the minimum temperature recorded over every hour (12 * 300 seconds = 1 hour), for 100 days (2400 hours). The third and the fourth RRA's do the same for the maximum and average temperature, respectively.
Tobias Oetiker <oetiker@ee.ethz.ch>