Installation: ------------ make install This will first invoke the 'configure'-script and then build the sources. You can also run 'configure' manually. Then the following switches apply: --with-tfo force enable tcp fast open --with-ncurses force enable ncurses --with-openssl force enable openssl --with-fftw3 force enable fftw3 Please note that TCP fast open requires a Linux kernel of version 3.7 or more recent. 'fftw3' support is only useful if you include the ncurses interface. Debian package names: ncurses requires libncursesw5-dev fftw3 requires libfftw3-dev openssl requires libssl-dev Usage: ----- httping See: httping -h for a list of commandline switches. Also check the man-page. is a script to convert the json-output of httping to a script for gnuplot. If this script fails with the following error: ValueError: Expecting object: [...] then make sure the json-file ends with a ']' (without the quotes). In some cases this character is missing. Thanks to Thanatos for cookie and authentication support. Many thanks to Olaf van der Spek for lots of bug-reports, testing, ideas and suggestions. For everything more or less related to 'httping', please feel free to contact me on: Please support my opensource development: Or send any surplus bitcoins to 1N5Sn4jny4xVwTwSYLnf7WnFQEGoVRmTQF