Scientiamobile WURFL Device Detection ------------------------------------- You can also include WURFL for inbuilt device detection enabling attributes. WURFL is a high-performance and low-memory footprint mobile device detection software component that can quickly and accurately detect over 500 capabilities of visiting devices. It can differentiate between portable mobile devices, desktop devices, SmartTVs and any other types of devices on which a web browser can be installed. In order to add WURFL device detection support, you would need to download Scientiamobile InFuze C API and install it on your system. Refer to to obtain a valid InFuze license. Compile haproxy as shown : $ make TARGET= USE_WURFL=1 Optionally WURFL_DEBUG=1 may be set to increase logs verbosity These are the supported WURFL directives (see doc/configuration.txt) : - wurfl-data-file - wurfl-information-list [] (list of WURFL capabilities, virtual capabilities, property names we plan to use in injected headers) - wurfl-information-list-separator (character that will be used to separate values in a response header, ',' by default). - wurfl-engine-mode (Sets the WURFL engine target. You can choose between "accuracy" and "performance","performance" by default) - wurfl-cache-size (Sets the WURFL caching strategy) - wurfl-patch-file [] (Sets the paths to custom WURFL patch files) Sample configuration : global wurfl-data-file /usr/share/wurfl/wurfl-eval.xml wurfl-information-list wurfl_id model_name #wurfl-information-list-separator | wurfl-engine-mode performance #wurfl-engine-mode accuracy ## double LRU cache wurfl-cache-size 100000,30000 ## single LRU cache #wurfl-cache-size 100000 ## no cache #wurfl-cache-size 0 #wurfl-patch-file ... frontend bind *:8888 default_backend servers There are two distinct methods available to transmit the WURFL data downstream to the target application: All data listed in wurfl-information-list http-request set-header X-WURFL-All %[wurfl-get-all()] A subset of data listed in wurfl-information-list http-request set-header X-WURFL-Properties %[wurfl-get(wurfl_id,is_tablet)] Please find more information about WURFL and the detection methods at