These are instructions to built the library on MS Windows, using msys and mingw. This library is fully functional, contrary to the library described in windows_dll directory. To build exe file go to windows_cmd directory, to build sapi dll, go to windows_sapi directory. - Use sources from src directory. - Have a ready to use portaudio v19 library (dll file is sufficient, here libportaudio-2.dll filename is assumed in a directory relative to espeak) - Copy portaudio.h file from your portaudio directory to src directory, overwriting the existing one. At the time of writing this is the same file as src/portaudio19.h distributed within espeak. Make command: make libespeak.dll PLATFORM_WINDOWS=1 LIB_AUDIO="-L ../../portaudio/lib/.libs -lportaudio-2 -lwinmm"