# # File format: # Header= pass this in the http request # URL= URL # HandleLocation= Handle the location (redirection) requests (0 or 1) # DataTransfer=all grab all data and pass then in the data_complete callback # DataTransfer=cont continuous passing data to the data_received callback # DataLimit= limit data to these bytes # ExpectedError= expected error # ExpectedCode= expected HTTP code (default 200) # SSLPeerVerify= Enable SSL/TLS peer verification (0 or 1) # Reset=1 reset the initial state - close the current keep-alive conn # Command= HTTP/RTSP command or EXIT # Header=Connection: close URL=http://www.google.com DataTransfer=all HandleLocation=1 Command=GET Header=Connection: close URL=http://www.google.com DataTransfer=all DataLimit=10 ExpectedError=EOVERFLOW HandleLocation=1 Command=GET # # Keep-alive connection test # Reset=1 DataTransfer=all URL=http://httpbin.org Command=GET URL=http://httpbin.org Command=GET URL=http://httpbin.org Command=GET HandleLocation=1 URL=http://httpbin.org/relative-redirect/20 ExpectedError=ELOOP ExpectedCode=302 Command=GET # # Keep-alive SSL test # Reset=1 URL=https://httpbin.org Command=GET URL=https://httpbin.org Command=GET URL=https://httpbin.org Command=GET HandleLocation=1 URL=https://httpbin.org/relative-redirect/20 ExpectedError=ELOOP ExpectedCode=302 Command=GET # # Google SSL test # Reset=1 Header=Connection: close URL=https://www.google.com DataTransfer=all HandleLocation=1 Command=GET Header=Connection: close URL=https://www.google.com DataTransfer=all DataLimit=10 HandleLocation=1 ExpectedError=EOVERFLOW Command=GET # # HTTP Basic Auth # Reset=1 URL=http://user123:passwd321@httpbin.org/basic-auth/user123/passwd321 HandleLocation=1 Command=GET URL=http://user1231:passwd321@httpbin.org/basic-auth/user123/passwd321 HandleLocation=1 ExpectedCode=401 Command=GET