OpenZWave Library  1.4.5360
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OpenZWave Namespace Reference


class  Alarm
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM (0x71), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  ApplicationStatus
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_APPLICATION_STATUS (0x22), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Association
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION (0x85), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  AssociationCommandConfiguration
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_COMMAND_CONFIGURATION (0x9b), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Basic
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC (0x20), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  BasicWindowCovering
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC_WINDOW_COVERING (0x50), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Battery
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY (0x80), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Bitfield
class  CentralScene
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5B), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  ClimateControlSchedule
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CLIMATE_CONTROL_SCHEDULE (0x46), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Clock
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CLOCK (0x81), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Color
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_COLOR (0x33), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  CommandClass
 Base class for all Z-Wave command classes. More...
class  CommandClasses
 Manages a map of command classes supported by a specific Z-Wave node. More...
class  Configuration
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION (0x70), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Controller
class  ControllerReplication
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CONTROLLER_REPLICATION (0x21), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  CRC16Encap
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CRC_16_ENCAP (0x56), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  DeviceResetLocally
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY (0x5a), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  DoorLock
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_DOOR_LOCK (0x62), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  DoorLockLogging
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_DOOR_LOCK_LOGGING (0x4C), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Driver
 The Driver class handles communication between OpenZWave and a device attached via a serial port (typically a controller). More...
class  EnergyProduction
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_ENERGY_PRODUCTION (0x90), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Event
 Platform-independent definition of event objects. More...
class  EventImpl
 Windows-specific implementation of the Event class. More...
class  FileOps
 Implements platform-independent File Operations. More...
class  FileOpsImpl
class  Group
 Manages a group of devices (various nodes associated with each other). More...
class  Hail
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_HAIL (0x82), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  HidController
class  i_LogImpl
class  Indicator
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_INDICATOR (0x87), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
struct  InstanceAssociation
class  Language
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_LANGUAGE (0x89), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Lock
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_LOCK (0x76), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
struct  LockGuard
class  Log
 Implements a platform-independent log...written to the console and, optionally, a file. More...
class  LogImpl
 Windows-specific implementation of the Log class. More...
class  Manager
 The main public interface to OpenZWave. More...
class  ManufacturerSpecific
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC (0x72), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Meter
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_METER (0x32), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  MeterPulse
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_METER_PULSE (0x35), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Msg
 Message object to be passed to and from devices on the Z-Wave network. More...
class  MultiCmd
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CMD (0x8f), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  MultiInstance
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_INSTANCE (0x60), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  MultiInstanceAssociation
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_INSTANCE_ASSOCIATION (0x8E), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Mutex
 Implements a platform-independent mutex–for serializing access to a shared resource. More...
class  MutexImpl
 Windows-specific implementation of the Mutex class. More...
class  Node
 The Node class describes a Z-Wave node object...typically a device on the Z-Wave network. More...
class  NodeNaming
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_NODE_NAMING (0x77), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  NoOperation
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_NO_OPERATION (0x00), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Notification
 Provides a container for data sent via the notification callback handler installed by a call to Manager::AddWatcher. More...
class  Options
 Manages library options read from XML files or the command line. More...
class  OZWException
 Exception Handling Interface. More...
class  Powerlevel
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_POWERLEVEL (0x73), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Proprietary
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_PROPRIETARY (0x88), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Protection
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_PROTECTION (0x75), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Ref
class  Scene
 Collection of ValueIDs to be treated as a unit. More...
class  SceneActivation
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SCENEACTIVATION (0x2B), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Security
class  SensorAlarm
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_ALARM (0x9c), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  SensorBinary
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_BINARY (0x30), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  SensorMultilevel
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL (0x31), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  SerialController
class  SerialControllerImpl
class  Stream
 Platform-independent definition of a circular buffer. More...
class  SwitchAll
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_ALL (0x27), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  SwitchBinary
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY (0x25), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  SwitchMultilevel
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL (0x26), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  SwitchToggleBinary
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_TOGGLE_BINARY (0x28), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  SwitchToggleMultilevel
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_TOGGLE_MULTILEVEL (0x29), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  ThermostatFanMode
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE (0x44), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  ThermostatFanState
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_FAN_STATE (0x45), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  ThermostatMode
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_MODE (0x40), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  ThermostatOperatingState
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_OPERATING_STATE (0x42), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  ThermostatSetpoint
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT (0x43), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Thread
 Implements a platform-independent thread management class. More...
class  ThreadImpl
 Windows-specific implementation of the Thread class. More...
class  TimeParameters
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_TIME_PARAMETERS (0x8B), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  TimeStamp
 Implements a platform-independent TimeStamp. More...
class  TimeStampImpl
 Windows implementation of a timestamp. More...
class  UserCode
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_USER_CODE (0x63), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Value
 Base class for values associated with a node. More...
class  ValueBool
 Boolean value sent to/received from a node. More...
class  ValueButton
 Button value ???. More...
class  ValueByte
 Byte value sent to/received from a node. More...
class  ValueDecimal
 Decimal value sent to/received from a node. More...
class  ValueID
 Provides a unique ID for a value reported by a Z-Wave device. More...
class  ValueInt
 Integer value sent to/received from a node. More...
class  ValueList
 List of values sent to/received from a node. More...
class  ValueRaw
 A collection of bytes sent to/received from a node. More...
class  ValueSchedule
 Schedule sent to/received from a node. More...
class  ValueShort
 Short value sent to/received from a node. More...
class  ValueStore
 Container that holds all of the values associated with a given node. More...
class  ValueString
 String value sent to/received from a node. More...
class  Version
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION (0x86), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  Wait
 Platform-independent definition of Wait objects. More...
class  WaitImpl
 Windows specific implementation of Wait objects. More...
class  WakeUp
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP (0x84), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
class  ZWavePlusInfo
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVE_PLUS_INFO (0x5E), a Z-Wave device command class. More...


typedef struct


enum  SecurityCmd {
  SecurityCmd_SupportedGet = 0x02, SecurityCmd_SupportedReport = 0x03, SecurityCmd_SchemeGet = 0x04, SecurityCmd_SchemeReport = 0x05,
  SecurityCmd_NetworkKeySet = 0x06, SecurityCmd_NetworkKeyVerify = 0x07, SecurityCmd_SchemeInherit = 0x08, SecurityCmd_NonceGet = 0x40,
  SecurityCmd_NonceReport = 0x80, SecurityCmd_MessageEncap = 0x81, SecurityCmd_MessageEncapNonceGet = 0xc1
 Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SECURITY (0x98), a Z-Wave device command class. More...
enum  SecurityScheme { SecurityScheme_Zero = 0x00 }
enum  LogLevel {
  LogLevel_Invalid, LogLevel_None, LogLevel_Always, LogLevel_Fatal,
  LogLevel_Error, LogLevel_Warning, LogLevel_Alert, LogLevel_Info,
  LogLevel_Detail, LogLevel_Debug, LogLevel_StreamDetail, LogLevel_Internal
enum  SecurityStrategy { SecurityStrategy_Essential = 0, SecurityStrategy_Supported }


string ToUpper (string const &_str)
string ToLower (string const &_str)
void split (std::vector< std::string > &lst, const std::string &input, const std::string &separators, bool remove_empty=true)
std::string & trim (std::string &s)
void PrintHex (std::string prefix, uint8_t const *data, uint32 const length)
string PktToString (uint8 const *data, uint32 const length)
bool GenerateAuthentication (uint8 const *_data, uint32 const _length, Driver *driver, uint8 const _sendingNode, uint8 const _receivingNode, uint8 *iv, uint8 *_authentication)
bool EncyrptBuffer (uint8 *m_buffer, uint8 m_length, Driver *driver, uint8 const _sendingNode, uint8 const _receivingNode, uint8 const m_nonce[8], uint8 *e_buffer)
bool createIVFromPacket_inbound (uint8 const *_data, uint8 const m_nonce[8], uint8 *iv)
bool DecryptBuffer (uint8 *e_buffer, uint8 e_length, Driver *driver, uint8 const _sendingNode, uint8 const _receivingNode, uint8 const m_nonce[8], uint8 *m_buffer)
SecurityStrategy ShouldSecureCommandClass (uint8 CommandClass)


char const * LogLevelString []

Typedef Documentation

Enumeration Type Documentation


Invalid Log Status


Disable all logging


These messages should always be shown


A likely fatal issue in the library


A serious issue with the library or the network


A minor issue from which the library should be able to recover


Something unexpected by the library about which the controlling application should be aware


Everything's working fine...these messages provide streamlined feedback on each message


Detailed information on the progress of each message


Very detailed information on progress that will create a huge log file quickly But this level (as others) can be queued and sent to the log only on an error or warning


Will include low-level byte transfers from controller to buffer to application and back


Used only within the log class (uses existing timestamp, etc.)

Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SECURITY (0x98), a Z-Wave device command class.


Function Documentation

bool OpenZWave::createIVFromPacket_inbound ( uint8 const *  _data,
uint8 const  m_nonce[8],
uint8 iv 
bool OpenZWave::DecryptBuffer ( uint8 e_buffer,
uint8  e_length,
Driver *  driver,
uint8 const  _sendingNode,
uint8 const  _receivingNode,
uint8 const  m_nonce[8],
uint8 m_buffer 
bool OpenZWave::EncyrptBuffer ( uint8 m_buffer,
uint8  m_length,
Driver *  driver,
uint8 const  _sendingNode,
uint8 const  _receivingNode,
uint8 const  m_nonce[8],
uint8 e_buffer 
bool OpenZWave::GenerateAuthentication ( uint8 const *  _data,
uint32 const  _length,
Driver *  driver,
uint8 const  _sendingNode,
uint8 const  _receivingNode,
uint8 iv,
uint8 _authentication 
string OpenZWave::PktToString ( uint8 const *  data,
uint32 const  length 
void OpenZWave::PrintHex ( std::string  prefix,
uint8_t const *  data,
uint32 const  length 
SecurityStrategy OpenZWave::ShouldSecureCommandClass ( uint8  CommandClass)
void OpenZWave::split ( std::vector< std::string > &  lst,
const std::string &  input,
const std::string &  separators,
bool  remove_empty = true 

Split a String into a Vector, seperated by seperators

lstthe vector to store the results in
inputthe input string to split
seperatorsa string containing a list of valid seperators
remove_emptyif after spliting a string, the any of the results are a empty string, should we preseve them or not
string OpenZWave::ToLower ( string const &  _str)

Convert a string to all lower-case.

_strthe string to be converted.
the lower-case string.
See also
ToUpper, Trim
string OpenZWave::ToUpper ( string const &  _str)

Convert a string to all upper-case.

_strthe string to be converted.
the upper-case string.
See also
ToLower, Trim
std::string & OpenZWave::trim ( std::string &  s)

Trim Whitespace from the start and end of a string.

sthe string to trim
the trimmed string

Variable Documentation

char const * OpenZWave::LogLevelString
Initial value: