OLSRd commons library Copyright (c) 2004-2011 the olsr.org team Cleaned up and extracted into this form by Henning Rogge in 2011 The OLSRd commons library is a collection of helper functions that are used through the whole OSLRd for list/tree handling, string management and other things. ================================= OLSRd commons netaddr API ================================= The netaddr API provides an unified handling of different addresses. It supports IPv4, IPv6, MAC-48 and EUI-64 addresses, both with and without prefix lengths and offers API calls for conversion from or to binary or text representation. Each netaddr object stores its own address type, so the address type doesn't need to be handled in the users code. In addition to this it provides an union object for all four kinds of sockaddr structs (no support for unix sockets at the moment), which allows to interface with os network function without casting between data types (which produce an error on some modern gcc variants). It also provides an inet_ntop() and inet_pton() function (for IPv4 and IPv6) for win32. For a full list of helper functions, see the netaddr.h file. ====================================== OLSRd commons netaddr overview ====================================== 1) netaddr string conversion 2) netaddr binary conversion 3) netaddr_socket functions 4) netaddr compare functions 1) netaddr string conversion **************************** netaddr_to_string() and netaddr_from_string() are the two main conversion functions between string and netaddr format. Both of them automatically detect the address format and the optional prefix length. netaddr_to_prefixstring() is a special function that allows the user to force the output of a prefix length, even if it has the maximum length ( instead of just 2) netaddr binary conversion **************************** netaddr_to_binary() and netaddr_from_binary() work similar than the string variants. netaddr_to_binary() ignores the prefix length to allow the user to store it into the right data field itself. netaddr_from_binary() initialize the prefix length with the maximum value. netaddr_to_autobuf() is similar to netaddr_to_binary() but just adds the binary address to an autobuf. 3) netaddr_socket functions *************************** netaddr_socket_init() initialize a netaddr_socket with a netaddr address and a port number. netaddr_socket_get_port() returns the port number set in the netaddr_socket object. netaddr_socket_to_string() converts a netaddr_socket into a string representation. netaddr_from_socket() extracts the address part of the object into a netaddr. 4) netaddr compare functions **************************** netaddr_cmp() and netaddr_socket_cmp() are inline comparator functions for netaddr and netaddr_socket objects. netaddr_is_in_subnet() and netaddr_binary_is_in_subnet() check if a netaddr/binary address is inside the subnet defined by another netaddr and its prefix length. netaddr_avlcmp() is a comparator for the avl API for netaddr objects.