( IN void* handle,
IN char* buf,
IN unsigned int* size,
IN int timeout )
UpnpWriteHttpPost sends a request to a server to copy the contents of a buffer to the URI specified in the UpnpOpenHttpPost call.
UpnpWriteHttpPost sends a request to a server to copy the contents of
a buffer to the URI specified in the UpnpOpenHttpPost call.
- Parameters:
- handle - The handle of the connection created
by the call to UpnpOpenHttpPost.
buf - The buffer to be posted.
size - The size, in bytes of buf.
timeout - A timeout value sent with the request
during which a response is expected
from the server, failing which, an
error is reported.
- Returns:
- [int] An integer representing one of the following:
- UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
- UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either handle, buf
or size is not a valid pointer.
- UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
to a socket.
- UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
Alphabetic index
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