EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpUnSubscribeAsync

( IN UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
  IN Upnp_SID SubsId,
  IN Upnp_FunPtr Fun,
  IN const void* Cookie )

UpnpUnSubscribeAsync removes a subscription of a control point from a service previously subscribed to using UpnpSubscribe or UpnpSubscribeAsync, generating a callback when the operation is complete.


UpnpUnSubscribeAsync removes a subscription of a control point from a service previously subscribed to using UpnpSubscribe or UpnpSubscribeAsync, generating a callback when the operation is complete.

Note that many of the error codes for this function are returned in the Upnp_Event_Subscribe structure. In those cases, the function returns UPNP_E_SUCCESS and the appropriate error code will be in the Upnp_Event_Subscribe.ErrCode field in the Event structure passed to the callback.

Hnd - The handle of the subscribed control point.
SubsId - The ID returned when the control point subscribed to the service.
Fun - Pointer to a callback function to be called when the operation is complete.
Cookie - Pointer to user data to pass to the callback function when invoked.
[int] An integer representing one of the following:

Alphabetic index

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