EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSendActionEx

( IN UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
  IN const char* ActionURL,
  IN const char* ServiceType,
  IN const char* DevUDN,
  IN IXML_Document* Header,
  IN IXML_Document* Action,
  OUT IXML_Document** RespNode )

UpnpSendActionEx sends a message to change a state variable in a service.


UpnpSendActionEx sends a message to change a state variable in a service. This is a synchronous call that does not return until the action is complete.

Note that a positive return value indicates a SOAP-protocol error code. In this case, the error description can be retrieved from RespNode. A negative return value indicates an SDK error.

Hnd - The handle of the control point sending the action.
ActionURL - The action URL of the service.
- ServiceType The type of the service.
- DevUDN This parameter is ignored and must be NULL.
Header - The DOM document for the SOAP header. This may be NULL if the header is not required.
Action - The DOM document for the action.
RespNode - The DOM document for the response to the action. The SDK allocates this document and the caller needs to free it.
[int] An integer representing one of the following:

Alphabetic index

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