( IN OUT IXML_Document** ActionResponse,
IN const char* ActionName,
IN const char* ServType,
IN const char* ArgName,
IN const char* ArgVal )
UpnpAddToActionResponse creates an action response packet based on its output parameters (status variable name and value pair).
UpnpAddToActionResponse creates an action response
packet based on its output parameters (status variable name
and value pair). This API is especially suitable inside
a loop to add any number of input parameters into an existing action
response. If no action document exists in the beginning, a
Upnp_Document variable initialized with NULL should be passed
as a parameter.
- Parameters:
- ActionResponse - Pointer to a document to
store the action document
- ActionName The action name.
ServType - The service type.
ArgName - The status variable name.
ArgVal - The status variable value.
- Returns:
- [int] An integer representing one of the following:
- UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
- UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: One or more of the parameters
are invalid.
- UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
complete this operation.
Alphabetic index
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