Interface Document

The Document interface represents the entire XML document. In essence, it is the root of the document tree and provides the primary interface to the elements of the document. For more information, refer to the Interface Document section in the DOM2Core.

o ixmlDocument_init
Initializes a Document node.
o ixmlDocument_createDocumentEx
Creates a new empty Document node.
o ixmlDocument_createDocument
Creates a new empty Document node.
o ixmlDocument_createElementEx
Creates a new Element node with the given tag name.
o ixmlDocument_createElement
Creates a new Element node with the given tag name.
o ixmlDocument_createTextNodeEx
Creates a new Text node with the given data.
o ixmlDocument_createTextNode
Creates a new Text node with the given data.
o ixmlDocument_createCDATASectionEx
Creates a new CDATASection node with given data.
o ixmlDocument_createCDATASection
Creates a new CDATASection node with given data.
o ixmlDocument_createAttribute
Creates a new Attr node with the given name.
o ixmlDocument_createAttributeEx
Creates a new Attr node with the given name.
o ixmlDocument_getElementsByTagName
Returns a NodeList of all Elements that match the given tag name in the order in which they were encountered in a preorder traversal of the Document tree.
o ixmlDocument_createElementNSEx
Creates a new Element node in the given qualified name and namespace URI.
o ixmlDocument_createElementNS
Creates a new Element node in the given qualified name and namespace URI.
o ixmlDocument_createAttributeNSEx
Creates a new Attr node with the given qualified name and namespace URI.
o ixmlDocument_createAttributeNS
Creates a new Attr node with the given qualified name and namespace URI.
o ixmlDocument_getElementsByTagNameNS
Returns a NodeList of Elements that match the given local name and namespace URI in the order they are encountered in a preorder traversal of the Document tree.
o ixmlDocument_getElementById
Returns the Element whose ID matches that given id.
o ixmlDocument_free
Frees a Document object and all Nodes associated with it.
o ixmlDocument_importNode
Imports a Node from another Document into this Document.

Alphabetic index

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