[ PREAMBLE: this file comes from qvplay-0.95 that is available at http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~XG2K-HYS/qvplay-0.95.tar.gz This copy is here for convenience to gphoto2 developers. ] 1998.07.20 ken-ichi HAYASHI ============================================================================= QV-10 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL ============================================================================= This document describes the serial communication protocol used by QV-10's "DIGITAL" connecter. This information is not official. Rather, it is the result of individual analysis. Please. Do *not* contact CASIO to ask questions about this information. You should read source code of 'qvplay' too. ============================= S E R I A L P R O T O C O L ============================= * 9600baud 8 bit stop bit 1 Non parity * No flow control * RTS off * CTS,DTR on CASIO's QV-10 serial cable is a level converter. It converts RS-232C voltage levels to QV-10's voltage levels. This voltage converter circuit uses the electrical power supplied by the host computer's RS-232C connector. (V+ is CTS, V- is RTS.) To recieve digital data from QV-10, set the CTS terminal to ON, RTS terminal to OFF. On power-up, QV-10 serial communication speed defaults to 9600baud. This speed may be changed with the'CB' command, described below. This change remains in effect until power off or another 'CB' command. ----- =========================== C O M M A N D F O R M A T =========================== Commands generally follow this format: 0x05 0xXX 0xXX ... 0x06 (hex) That is, a command flag (0x05, or ENQ) followed by command parameters, followed by an ACK. (0x06). ====================== C O M M A N D L I S T ====================== above the line: data sent to QV-10 --------------------------------------- below the line: data recieved from QV-10 ASCII code values are quoted. All other values are hex. RESET CAMERA ============ * Reset Camera #1 05 'QR' 06 ------------ Reset QV10. 06 5c Comment: This command is acceptable, in all states. The meaning of 0x5c is checksum. Checksum value is reverse bits of all sum of command bytes and palameter bytes . ~('Q(51)' + 'R(52)') = 5c * Reset Camera #2 05 'QE' 06 ------------ Reset QV10. 06 69 Comment: This command does not clear the QV10's LCD. The meaning of 0x69 is checksum. QUERY PICTURE NUMBER ==================== 05 'MP' 06 -------------- Fetch number of pictures in QV10 06 62 XX Comment: Number of pictures in QV10 returned at XX. The meaning of 0x62 is checksum. SHOW PICTURE #XX ON LCD ====================== 05 'DA' XX 06 ---------------- Show picture on QV10's LCD. 06 YY Comment: Picture number is specified by XX. The return byte YY is checksum. (0x7a - XX ) GET PICTURE DATA IN JPEG FORMAT =================================== 05 'DA' XX 06 05 'DL' 06 05 'MG' 06 12 06 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 06 YY 06 6f 06 6b [Picture Data] [Picture Data] 06 06 06 -----------------------------......---------------- [Picture Data] [Picture Data] 02 00 00 03 FC Comment: XX is the picture number. The return byte YY is checksum. (0x7a - XX). Return byte 6f is checksum. Return byte 6b is checksum. 02 00 00 03 FC should be end marker. If you want to get 'fine mode(640x480)' picture data in QV100, you must use 'Mg' instead of 'MG'. FORMAT OF [Picture Data] ======================== 02 WW WW JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ ........ 17 SS Comment: WW WW: Data Block Size (2 bytes): (Normally 0x00 0x80, 128 bytes) The data preceeding the endmark(02 00 00 03 FC) is its block size(under 0x00 0x80). JJ: Picture data. (Image Area of CAM format) (Please refer to the CAM format information below). SS: Check sum. Reverse bits of all sum of second byte (after 0x02) of data block to before SS (0x17). SEND JPEG FORMAT PICTURE DATA TO QV-10 ====================================== 05 'MH' 06 [Picture Data] [Picture Data] ------------------------------------------ 06 6a 12 06 06 [Picture Data] [Picture Data] 02 00 00 03 FC ----------------------------......---------------- 06 06 06 05 'DJ' 06 -------------- 06 ZZ Comment: The return byte 6a is checksum. The return byte ZZ(normaly 06 ?) is unknown. [Picture Data] format is the same as above. The procedure of send a 'fine mode(640x480)' picture for QV100 is unknown. GET THUMBNAIL IMAGE AS "YCC" FORMAT =================================== 05 'DA' XX 06 05 'DL' 06 05 'MK' 06 12 06 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 06 YY 06 6f 06 67 [Picture Data] [Picture Data] 06 06 06 ----------------------------......---------------- [Picture Data] [Picture Data] 02 00 00 03 FC Comment: XX: Picture Number YY: checksum. (0x7a - XX) The return byte 6f is checksum. The return byte 67 is checksum. FORMAT OF [PICTURE DATA] ======================== 02 WW WW TT TT TT TT TT ........ 17 SS Comment: WW WW: Data block size. (2byte). Normally 0x00 0x80 (128 bytes) The data preceeding the endmark(02 00 00 03 FC) is its block size(under 0x00 0x80). TT: Picture data. (YCC format) SS: Check sum. Reverse bits of all sum of second byte (after 0x02) of data block to before SS (0x17). Thumbnail image size is 52(W)x36(H). In 2808 bytes, the first 1872 bytes contain Y element data(0 to 255), the second 468 bytes contain Cb element data(-128 to 127), the third 468 bytes contain Cr element data(-128 to 127). The Y element is represented by an unsigned char. Cb and Cr elements are represented by signed char. The formula to convert YCC to RGB, is described in "ppm.c". (qvplay's source file) GET PICTURE DATA IN YCC FORMAT ================================== 05 'DA' XX 06 05 'DL' 06 05 'ML' 06 12 06 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 06 YY 06 6f 06 66 [Picture Data] [Picture Data] 06 06 06 ----------------------------......---------------- [Picture Data] [Picture Data] 02 00 00 03 FC Comment: XX: Picture Number. YY: checksum. (0x7a - XX) The return byte 6f is checksum. The return byte 66 is checksum. FORMAT OF [PICTURE DATA] ======================== 02 WW WW JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ ........ 17 SS Comment: WW WW: Data block size. (2bytes). Normaly 0x00 0x80, 128 bytes. The data preceeding the endmark(02 00 00 03 FC) is its block size(under 0x00 0x80). TT: Picture Data. (YCC format) SS: Check sum. Reverse bits of all sum of second byte (after 0x02) of data block to before SS(0x17). - When picture is 'normal mode(420x240)' picture Picture size is 480(W)x240(H). All Picture Data size is 153600 byte. In 153600 bytes, the first 115200 bytes contain Y element data(0 to 255), the second 19200 bytes contain Cb element data(-128 to 127), the third 19200 bytes contain Cr element data(-128 to 127). - When picture is 'fine mode' picture Picture size is 640(W)x480(H). All Picture Data size is 460800 byte. In 460800 bytes, the first 307200 bytes contain Y element data(0 to 255), the second 76800 bytes contain Cb element data(-128 to 127), the third 76800 bytes contain Cr element data(-128 to 127). The Y element is represented by an unsigned char. Cb and Cr elements are represented by signed char. The formula to convert YCC to RGB, is described in "ppm.c". (qvplay's source file) SEND A YCC FORMAT PICTURE TO QV-10 ================================== 05 'MM' 06 [Picture Data] [Picture Data] ----------------------------------------- 06 65 12 06 [Picture Data] [Picture Data] 02 00 00 03 FC ----------------------------......---------------- 06 06 06 05 'DN' 06 05 'DJ' 06 ----------------------------- 06 6d 06 ZZ Comment: The return byte 65 is checksum. The return byte 6d is checksum. The return byte ZZ is unknown. [Picture Data] format is as described above. The procedure of send a 'fine mode(640x480)' picture for QV100 is unknown. DELETE A PICTURE FROM QV-10 MEMORY =================================== 05 'DF' XX ff 06 ------------------- 06 YY Comment: XX: Picture Number. YY: checksum (0x76 - XX) TAKE A PICTURE ============== 05 'DR' 06 ------------- 06 69 ZZ Comment: You must set QV10 to REC mode. The return byte 69 is checksum. ZZ: When QV10's function SW is PLAY mode, it is 15, in REC mode, it is 06. (at QV-700/770 this command not work.) CHANGE SERIAL COMMUNICATION SPEED ================================= 05 'CB' XX 06 ---------------- 06 YY Comment: XX: Select XX from the table below YY: checksum XX(decimal(hex)): baud -------------------- 46(0x2e) : 9600 22(0x16) : 19200 11(0x0b) : 38400 7(0x07) : 57600 3(0x03) : 115200 -------------------- CHANGE PICTURE ORDER ==================== 05 'DI' XX 06 05 'DY' 02 XX 06 05 'DF' XX ff 06 05 'Dj' VV 06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06 YY 06 ZZ 06 WW 06 UU Comment: XX: source picture number YY: checksum (0x72 - XX) ZZ: unknown WW: checksum (0x76 - XX) VV: destination picture number UU: checksum (0x51 - XX) FOR EXAMPLE: XX = 5 VV =2 picture order before: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... picture order after: 1 5 2 3 4 6 ... POWER OFF QV-10 ==================== 05 'QX' 06 -------------- 06 56 Comment: Power off QV-10. The return byte 56 is checksum. DISABLE AUTO POWER OFF FUNCTION =============================== 05 'DU' 06 05 'QE' 06 ---------------------------- 06 66 06 69 Comment: Disable auto power off function. The return byte 66, 69 is checksum. REPORT BATTERY VOLTAGE ====================== 05 'RB' 05 FF FE E6 06 -------------------------------- 06 83 XX Comment: Fetch battery boltage. XX: battery voltage. XX/0x10 (devide by 0x10) is an approximate voltage value. The return byte 83 is checksum. (at QV-700/770 this function report another value.) SHOW TEST COLOR PATTERN ======================= 05 'DP' 06 ------------- 06 XX Comment: Show 'test color patten' on LCD. The return byte XX is checksum. REPORT SWITCH AND CCD LENS UNIT STATUS ======================================= 05 'DS' 06 ---------------- 06 XX YY ZZ Comment: Report REC/PLAY switch status and CCD lens unit status. The return byte XX is checksum. YY: MSB 7 0x80 Too brighter warning mark(filled circle)) is shown on LCD. 6 0x40 Too darker warning mark(hollow circle)) is shown on LCD. 5 0x20 unknown 4 0x10 unknown 3 0x08 [-]button is pressed. 2 0x04 [+]button is pressed. 1 0x02 unknown 0 0x01 unknown LSB ZZ: MSB 7 0x80 CCD lens unit is reverse position. 6 0x40 REC/PLAY SW. is PLAY position. 5 0x20 PROTECT button is pressed. 4 0x10 DEL button is pressed. 3 0x08 DISP button is pressed. 2 0x04 MODE button is pressed. 1 0x02 ZOOM button is pressed. 0 0x01 Shutter button is pressed. LSB (at QV-700/770 status YY ZZ is always 00 44.) PROTECT PICTURE or UNPROTECT PICTURE ==================================== 05 'DY' XX YY 06 ----------------------- 06 ZZ Comment: Protect picture or unprotect picture. Picture number is specified by XX. YY: 0x00 unprotect picture YY: 0x0 protect picture The return byte ZZ is checksum. REPORT PICTURE ATTRIBUTE ======================== 05 'DY' 02 XX 06 ----------------------- 06 YY ZZ Comment: Get information(protected or not, normal(480x240) or fine(640x480)) about a picture. Picture number is specified by XX. YY: checksum ZZ: picture attribute. protect, resolution, value of ZZ off 480x240 0x00 on 480x240 0x01 off 640x480 0x02 on 640x480 0x03 CHANGE IMAGE TRANSFER BLOCK SIZE ================================ 05 'PP' XX YY 06 ----------------------- 06 ZZ Comment: Change block size to XX YY. Block size(default 0x00 0x80) is specified by XX YY. XX: higher byte YY: lower byte ZZ: checksum SET DEFAULT PICTURE =================== 05 'DV' XX 06 --------------- 06 YY Comment: Set default picture shown on LCD when power on or reset. XX: Picture number YY: checksum HIDE PICTURE NUMBER =================== 05 'DM' XX 06 --------------- 06 YY Comment: Hide picture number shown on LCD. XX: Picture number YY: checksum REPORT HARDWARE REVISION ========================= 05 'SU' 06 ------------------------ 06 XX YY ZZ WW VV Comment: Get hardware revison number. XX: checksum YY: model ID1 ZZ: model ID2 WW: revision num1 VV: revision num2 sample model YYZZWWVV QV10 0x00531719 QV10 0x00538b8f QV10A 0x00800003 QV70 0x00835321 QV100 0x0103ba90 QV300 0x01048dc0 QV700 0x01a0e081 QV770 0x01a10000 ----- =========================== NEW COMMANDS FOR QV-700/770 =========================== Those commands are works on QV-700/770 only. ENABLE NEW COMMANDS FOR QV-700/770? =================================== 05 'NP' 01 06 ------------------ 06 60 Comment: Enable new commands. The return byte 60 is checksum. GET PICTURE DATA IN JPEG FORMAT =================================== 05 'DA' XX 06 05 'DL' 06 05 'EM' 06 ------------------------------------------------- 06 YY 06 6f 06 6d ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ 05 'EG' 06 12 06 ------------------------------------------------- 06 73 [Picture Data] [Picture Data] 06 06 06 -----------------------------......---------------- [Picture Data] [Picture Data] 02 00 00 03 FC Comment: XX is the picture number. The return byte YY is checksum. (0x7a - XX). Return byte 6f is checksum. Return byte 6d is checksum. Return byte 73 is checksum. Return bytes ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ are picture data size. 02 00 00 03 FC should be end marker. FORMAT OF [Picture Data] ======================== 02 WW WW JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ ........ 17 SS Comment: WW WW: Data Block Size (2 bytes): (Normally 0x00 0x80, 128 bytes) The data preceeding the endmark(02 00 00 03 FC) is its block size(under 0x00 0x80). JJ: Picture data. (JFIF format) SS: Check sum. Reverse bits of all sum of second byte (after 0x02) of data block to before SS (0x17). GET PICTURE INFORMATION ======================= 05 'DA' XX 06 05 'DL' 06 ------------------------- 06 YY 06 6f 05 'CV' 06 12 06 ------------------------------------------------------------- 06 66 02 00 0b [11bytes data] 17 SS 02 00 00 03 FC Comment: XX is the picture number. The return byte YY is checksum. (0x7a - XX). Return byte 6f is checksum. Return byte 66 is checksum. SS: Check sum. Reverse bits of all sum of second byte (after 0x02) of data block to before SS (0x17). 11bytes data 1st byte Compression 01:economy 02:normal 03:fine 2nd byte unknown 00 3rd byte taked mode 01:one shot 02:continuous shot 07:panorama 08:movie 4th byte macro mode 01:normal 02:macro mode 5th byte unknown 01 6th byte unknown 0a,09,0c,0e,0b shutter speed? WB? 7th byte iris(meybe) 07:(F8) 03:(F2) 8th byte unknown 0d 9th byte unknown 04 10th byte unknown 0d 11th byte unknown 01 ----- ================ UNKNOWN COMMANDS ================ 'DI' 'DK' 'DQ' 'EB' 'Eb' remain memory size (in picture unit)(QV100 only)? 'MQ' 'Mq' picture bytesize (QV100 only)? 'cb' change baud rate (QV-700/770 only)? 'CX' 'CF' 'EC' 'DY' 'FT' 'CZ' 'ES' 'BC' battery check ? (QV-700/770 only) 'MW' write JPEG format data to QV-700/770 ============== SPECIAL THANKS ============== Itojun-san, Brahma-san, Goto-san, Mario-san (Thanks for their research and report about the serial protocol) Dr. Sadun (Thanks for fixup of early version of this document which written in my poor English.) Kuwata-san (Thanks for the report about battery voltage.)