macro (do_gi_lua_test source) get_filename_component (name ${source} NAME) add_test ( NAME ${name} COMMAND ${LUA_EXECUTABLE} ${source} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) set_property ( TEST ${name} PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${GELEKTRA_LIBRARY_DIR}:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib" "GI_TYPELIB_PATH=${GI_TYPELIB_DIR}" ) set_property ( TEST ${name} PROPERTY LABELS memleak bindings ) if (${name} MATCHES ".*_kdb") set_property ( TEST ${name} APPEND PROPERTY LABELS kdbtests ) endif () endmacro (do_gi_lua_test) install (DIRECTORY lgi DESTINATION ${TARGET_LUA_LMOD_FOLDER}) # we're searching for the lua interpreter however FindLua only searches # for the library. But that's better than nothing. find_package (Lua 5.1) if (LUA_FOUND AND LUA_EXECUTABLE_VERSION_MATCHED) message(STATUS "Include Binding gi_lua") message(DEPRECATION "GI bindings have been deprecated") file (GLOB TESTS testgi_*.lua) foreach (file ${TESTS}) do_gi_lua_test (${file}) endforeach (file ${TESTS}) elseif(LUA_FOUND AND (NOT LUA_EXECUTABLE_VERSION_MATCHED)) remove_binding (gi_lua "Lua interpreter does not match Lua libraries version, needed for GObject Introspection Lua installation") else () remove_binding (gi_lua "No Lua interpreter found needed for GObject Introspection Lua installation") endif ()