ClientSound Member List

This is the complete list of members for ClientSound, including all inherited members.

Align enum name (defined in String)String
alive() const GenObjectvirtual
append(const char *value, int len)String
append(const char *value, const char *separator=0, bool force=false)String
append(const ObjList *list, const char *separator=0, bool force=false)String
append(const ObjList &list, const char *separator=0, bool force=false)Stringinline
append(double value, unsigned int decimals=3)String
appendFixed(unsigned int fixedLength, const char *str, unsigned int len=-1, char fill= ' ', int align=Left)String
appendFixed(unsigned int fixedLength, const String &str, char fill= ' ', int align=Left)Stringinline
assign(const char *value, int len=-1)String
assign(char value, unsigned int repeat=1)String
at(int index) const String
atom(const String *&str, const char *val)Stringstatic
attachSource(ClientChannel *chan)ClientSound
boolText(bool value)Stringinlinestatic
build(const String &id, const char *file, const char *device=0, unsigned int repeat=0, bool resetExisting=true, bool stereo=false)ClientSoundstatic
c_str() const Stringinline
Center enum value (defined in String)String
checkBOM(const char *str)Stringinlinestatic
checkBOM() const Stringinline
ClientSound(const char *name, const char *file, const char *device=0)ClientSoundinline
device() const ClientSoundinline
device(const char *dev)ClientSoundinline
doStart() (defined in ClientSound)ClientSoundprotectedvirtual
doStop() (defined in ClientSound)ClientSoundprotectedvirtual
endsWith(const char *what, bool wordBreak=false, bool caseInsensitive=false) const String
extractTo(const char *sep, String &store)String
extractTo(const char *sep, bool &store)String
extractTo(const char *sep, int &store, int base=0)String
extractTo(const char *sep, int &store, const TokenDict *tokens, int base=0)String
extractTo(const char *sep, double &store)String
file() const ClientSoundinline
file(const char *filename, bool stereo)ClientSoundinline
find(const String &token, bool byName=true)ClientSoundstatic
TelEngine::String::find(char what, unsigned int offs=0) const String
TelEngine::String::find(const char *what, unsigned int offs=0) const String
fixUtf8(const char *replace=0, uint32_t maxChar=0x10ffff, bool overlong=false)String
getObjCounter() const GenObjectinline
getObjCounter(const String &name, bool create=true)GenObjectstatic
getObject(const String &name) const Stringvirtual
TelEngine::GenObject::getObject(const String &name, const GenObject *obj)GenObjectinlinestatic
hash() const Stringinline
hash(const char *value, unsigned int h=0)Stringstatic
hexify(void *data, unsigned int len, char sep=0, bool upCase=false)String
isBoolean() const String
Left enum value (defined in String)String
length() const Stringinline
lenUtf8(const char *value, uint32_t maxChar=0x10ffff, bool overlong=false)Stringstatic
lenUtf8(uint32_t maxChar=0x10ffff, bool overlong=false) const Stringinline
m_channel (defined in ClientSound)ClientSoundprotected
m_device (defined in ClientSound)ClientSoundprotected
m_file (defined in ClientSound)ClientSoundprotected
m_native (defined in ClientSound)ClientSoundprotected
m_repeat (defined in ClientSound)ClientSoundprotected
m_started (defined in ClientSound)ClientSoundprotected
m_stereo (defined in ClientSound)ClientSoundprotected
matchCount() const String
matches(const String &value) const Stringinlinevirtual
matches(const Regexp &rexp)String
matchLength(int index=0) const String
matchOffset(int index=0) const String
matchString(int index=0) const Stringinline
msgEscape(const char *str, char extraEsc=0)Stringstatic
msgEscape(char extraEsc=0) const Stringinline
msgUnescape(const char *str, int *errptr=0, char extraEsc=0)Stringstatic
msgUnescape(int *errptr=0, char extraEsc=0) const Stringinline
native() const ClientSoundinline
null() const Stringinline
operator const char *() const Stringinline
operator!=(const char *value) const String
operator!=(const String &value) const Stringinline
operator&=(const char *value) const String
operator+=(const char *value)Stringinline
operator+=(char value)String
operator+=(int32_t value)String
operator+=(uint32_t value)String
operator+=(int64_t value)String
operator+=(uint64_t value)String
operator+=(bool value)Stringinline
operator+=(double value)String
operator<<(const char *value)Stringinline
operator<<(char value)Stringinline
operator<<(int32_t value)Stringinline
operator<<(uint32_t value)Stringinline
operator<<(int64_t value)Stringinline
operator<<(uint64_t value)Stringinline
operator<<(bool value)Stringinline
operator<<(double value)Stringinline
operator=(const String &value)Stringinline
operator=(const String *value)Stringinline
operator=(const char *value)String
operator=(char value)String
operator=(int32_t value)String
operator=(uint32_t value)String
operator=(int64_t value)String
operator=(uint64_t value)String
operator=(bool value)Stringinline
operator=(double value)String
operator==(const char *value) const String
operator==(const String &value) const Stringinline
operator>>(const char *skip)String
operator>>(char &store)String
operator>>(UChar &store)String
operator>>(int &store)String
operator>>(unsigned int &store)String
operator>>(bool &store)String
operator[](signed int index) const Stringinline
operator[](unsigned int index) const Stringinline
operator|=(const char *value) const String
printf(const char *format,...)String
printf(unsigned int length, const char *format,...)String
replaceMatches(const String &templ) const String
rfind(char what) const String
rfind(const char *what) const String
Right enum value (defined in String)String
safe() const Stringinline
safe(const char *defStr) const Stringinline
setChannel(const String &chan, bool ok)ClientSound
setObjCounter(NamedCounter *counter)GenObject
setObjCounting(bool enable)GenObjectinlinestatic
setRepeat(unsigned int count)ClientSoundinline
split(char separator, bool emptyOK=true) const String
sqlEscape(const char *str, char extraEsc=0)Stringstatic
sqlEscape(char extraEsc=0) const Stringinline
start(bool force=true)ClientSound
start(const String &name, bool force=true)ClientSoundstatic
started() const ClientSoundinline
started(const String &name)ClientSoundstatic
startSkip(const char *what, bool wordBreak=true, bool caseInsensitive=false)String
startsWith(const char *what, bool wordBreak=false, bool caseInsensitive=false) const String
stereo() const ClientSoundinline
stop(const String &name)ClientSoundstatic
String(const char *value, int len=-1)String
String(char value, unsigned int repeat=1)Stringexplicit
String(int32_t value)Stringexplicit
String(uint32_t value)Stringexplicit
String(int64_t value)Stringexplicit
String(uint64_t value)Stringexplicit
String(bool value)Stringexplicit
String(double value)Stringexplicit
String(const String &value)String
String(const String *value)String
stripBOM(const char *&str)Stringinlinestatic
stripBOM(char *&str)Stringinlinestatic
substr(int offs, int len=-1) const String
toBoolean(bool defvalue=false) const String
toDouble(double defvalue=0.0) const String
toInt64(int64_t defvalue=0, int base=0, int64_t minvalue=LLONG_MIN, int64_t maxvalue=LLONG_MAX, bool clamp=true) const String
toInteger(int defvalue=0, int base=0, int minvalue=INT_MIN, int maxvalue=INT_MAX, bool clamp=true) const String
toInteger(const TokenDict *tokens, int defvalue=0, int base=0) const String
toLong(long int defvalue=0, int base=0, long int minvalue=LONG_MIN, long int maxvalue=LONG_MAX, bool clamp=true) const String
toString() const Stringvirtual
uriEscape(const char *str, char extraEsc=0, const char *noEsc=0)Stringstatic
uriEscape(const char *str, const char *extraEsc, const char *noEsc=0)Stringstatic
uriEscape(char extraEsc=0, const char *noEsc=0) const Stringinline
uriUnescape(const char *str, int *errptr=0)Stringstatic
uriUnescape(int *errptr=0) const Stringinline