Caes_decrypt_ctx | |
Caes_encrypt_ctx | |
Caes_inf | |
CAESdecrypt | |
CAESencrypt | |
COpenZWave::Bitfield | |
▼COpenZWave::CommandClass | Base class for all Z-Wave command classes |
COpenZWave::Alarm | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM (0x71), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::ApplicationStatus | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_APPLICATION_STATUS (0x22), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Association | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION (0x85), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::AssociationCommandConfiguration | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_COMMAND_CONFIGURATION (0x9b), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Basic | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC (0x20), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::BasicWindowCovering | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC_WINDOW_COVERING (0x50), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Battery | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY (0x80), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::CentralScene | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5B), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::ClimateControlSchedule | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CLIMATE_CONTROL_SCHEDULE (0x46), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Clock | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CLOCK (0x81), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Color | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_COLOR (0x33), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Configuration | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION (0x70), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::ControllerReplication | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CONTROLLER_REPLICATION (0x21), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::CRC16Encap | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_CRC_16_ENCAP (0x56), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::DeviceResetLocally | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY (0x5a), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::DoorLock | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_DOOR_LOCK (0x62), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::DoorLockLogging | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_DOOR_LOCK_LOGGING (0x4C), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::EnergyProduction | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_ENERGY_PRODUCTION (0x90), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Hail | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_HAIL (0x82), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Indicator | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_INDICATOR (0x87), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Language | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_LANGUAGE (0x89), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Lock | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_LOCK (0x76), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::ManufacturerSpecific | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC (0x72), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Meter | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_METER (0x32), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::MeterPulse | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_METER_PULSE (0x35), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::MultiCmd | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CMD (0x8f), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::MultiInstance | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_INSTANCE (0x60), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::MultiInstanceAssociation | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_INSTANCE_ASSOCIATION (0x8E), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::NodeNaming | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_NODE_NAMING (0x77), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::NoOperation | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_NO_OPERATION (0x00), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Powerlevel | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_POWERLEVEL (0x73), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Proprietary | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_PROPRIETARY (0x88), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Protection | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_PROTECTION (0x75), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::SceneActivation | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SCENEACTIVATION (0x2B), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Security | |
COpenZWave::SensorAlarm | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_ALARM (0x9c), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::SensorBinary | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_BINARY (0x30), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::SensorMultilevel | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL (0x31), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::SwitchAll | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_ALL (0x27), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::SwitchBinary | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY (0x25), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::SwitchMultilevel | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL (0x26), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::SwitchToggleBinary | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_TOGGLE_BINARY (0x28), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::SwitchToggleMultilevel | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_TOGGLE_MULTILEVEL (0x29), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::ThermostatFanMode | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE (0x44), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::ThermostatFanState | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_FAN_STATE (0x45), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::ThermostatMode | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_MODE (0x40), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::ThermostatOperatingState | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_OPERATING_STATE (0x42), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::ThermostatSetpoint | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT (0x43), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::TimeParameters | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_TIME_PARAMETERS (0x8B), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::UserCode | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_USER_CODE (0x63), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Version | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION (0x86), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::WakeUp | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP (0x84), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::ZWavePlusInfo | Implements COMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVE_PLUS_INFO (0x5E), a Z-Wave device command class |
COpenZWave::Node::CommandClassData | |
COpenZWave::CommandClasses | Manages a map of command classes supported by a specific Z-Wave node |
COpenZWave::Driver | Handles communication between OpenZWave and a device attached via a serial port (typically a controller) |
COpenZWave::Driver::DriverData | |
COpenZWave::EventImpl | Windows-specific implementation of the Event class |
▼Cstd::exception | STL class |
►Cstd::runtime_error | STL class |
COpenZWave::OZWException | Exception Handling Interface |
COpenZWave::FileOps | Implements platform-independent File Operations |
COpenZWave::FileOpsImpl | |
COpenZWave::Group | Manages a group of devices (various nodes associated with each other) |
▼COpenZWave::i_LogImpl | |
COpenZWave::LogImpl | Windows-specific implementation of the Log class |
COpenZWave::LogImpl | Windows-specific implementation of the Log class |
COpenZWave::InstanceAssociation | |
COpenZWave::ValueList::Item | An item (element) in the list of values |
COpenZWave::Bitfield::Iterator | |
COpenZWave::LockGuard | |
COpenZWave::Log | Implements a platform-independent log...written to the console and, optionally, a file |
COpenZWave::Manager | The main public interface to OpenZWave |
COpenZWave::Msg | Message object to be passed to and from devices on the Z-Wave network |
COpenZWave::MutexImpl | Windows-specific implementation of the Mutex class |
COpenZWave::Node | Describes a Z-Wave node object...typically a device on the Z-Wave network |
COpenZWave::Node::NodeData | |
COpenZWave::Notification | Provides a container for data sent via the notification callback handler installed by a call to Manager::AddWatcher |
COpenZWave::Options | Manages library options read from XML files or the command line |
Cozwversion | |
▼COpenZWave::Ref | |
►COpenZWave::Value | Base class for values associated with a node |
COpenZWave::ValueBool | Boolean value sent to/received from a node |
COpenZWave::ValueButton | Button value ??? |
COpenZWave::ValueByte | Byte value sent to/received from a node |
COpenZWave::ValueDecimal | Decimal value sent to/received from a node |
COpenZWave::ValueInt | Integer value sent to/received from a node |
COpenZWave::ValueList | List of values sent to/received from a node |
COpenZWave::ValueRaw | A collection of bytes sent to/received from a node |
COpenZWave::ValueSchedule | Schedule sent to/received from a node |
COpenZWave::ValueShort | Short value sent to/received from a node |
COpenZWave::ValueString | String value sent to/received from a node |
►COpenZWave::Wait | Platform-independent definition of Wait objects |
COpenZWave::Event | Platform-independent definition of event objects |
COpenZWave::Mutex | Implements a platform-independent mutex–for serializing access to a shared resource |
►COpenZWave::Stream | Platform-independent definition of a circular buffer |
►COpenZWave::Controller | |
COpenZWave::HidController | |
COpenZWave::SerialController | |
COpenZWave::Thread | Implements a platform-independent thread management class |
COpenZWave::CommandClass::RefreshValue | |
COpenZWave::Scene | Collection of ValueIDs to be treated as a unit |
COpenZWave::SerialControllerImpl | |
COpenZWave::ThreadImpl | Windows-specific implementation of the Thread class |
COpenZWave::TimeStamp | Implements a platform-independent TimeStamp |
COpenZWave::TimeStampImpl | Windows implementation of a timestamp |
COpenZWave::ValueID | Provides a unique ID for a value reported by a Z-Wave device |
COpenZWave::ValueStore | Container that holds all of the values associated with a given node |
COpenZWave::WaitImpl | Windows specific implementation of Wait objects |