=== 0.3.3 2015-08-10 * not commit compiled js in Git repos * not publish coffee script to npmjs.com === 0.3.2 2014-10-02 * use latest npm libs * serialport, debug, eventemitter2 * thank you for suggestion @bigmonkeyboy * coffee-script v1.8.x to compile js === 0.3.1 2014-05-08 * bugfix pin number of event "digitalChange" #12 === 0.3.0 2014-01-31 * add supported boards Arduino diecimila, duemillanove and seeduino #4 === 0.2.1 2014-01-29 * fix servoWrite sample and README * callback after digitalWrite, analogWrite, servoWrite, reset and sysex #11 === 0.2.0 2014-01-28 * implement sysex(cmd, data_array) #6 === 0.1.0 2014-01-27 * implement on("analogChange", callback) #9 * implement on("digitalChange", callback) #8 * fix socket.io sample === 0.0.5 2014-01-27 * performance improvement (write bytes at once) * add socket.io sample #7 === 0.0.4 2014-01-27 * add tests #3 * bugfix digitalRead() === 0.0.3 2014-01-27 * fix coffee-script #2 * thank you for contributing @geta6 === 0.0.2 2014-01-26 * use SerialPort.list() instead of fs.readdir() #1 * thank you for suggestion @rwaldron === 0.0.1 2014-01-26 * first release * implement digitalWrite, digitalRead, analogWrite, analogRead, servoWrite