Here is an example of the basic use of the library. After that, another example shows how to create an iterator over the result of a SELECT query.
Basic use
-- load driver local driver = require "luasql.postgres" -- create environment object env = assert (driver.postgres()) -- connect to data source con = assert (env:connect("luasql-test")) -- reset our table res = con:execute"DROP TABLE people" res = assert (con:execute[[ CREATE TABLE people( name varchar(50), email varchar(50) ) ]]) -- add a few elements list = { { name="Jose das Couves", email="jose@couves.com", }, { name="Manoel Joaquim", email="manoel.joaquim@cafundo.com", }, { name="Maria das Dores", email="maria@dores.com", }, } for i, p in pairs (list) do res = assert (con:execute(string.format([[ INSERT INTO people VALUES ('%s', '%s')]], p.name, p.email) )) end -- retrieve a cursor cur = assert (con:execute"SELECT name, email from people") -- print all rows, the rows will be indexed by field names row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do print(string.format("Name: %s, E-mail: %s", row.name, row.email)) -- reusing the table of results row = cur:fetch (row, "a") end -- close everything cur:close() -- already closed because all the result set was consumed con:close() env:close()
And the output of this script should be:
Name: Jose das Couves, E-mail: jose@couves.com Name: Manoel Joaquim, E-mail: manoel.joaquim@cafundo.com Name: Maria das Dores, E-mail: maria@dores.com
It may be useful to offer an iterator for the resulting rows:
function rows (connection, sql_statement) local cursor = assert (connection:execute (sql_statement)) return function () return cursor:fetch() end end
Here is how the iterator is used:
env = assert (require"luasql.mysql".mysql()) con = assert (env:connect"my_db") for id, name, address in rows (con, "select * from contacts") do print (string.format ("%s: %s", name, address)) end
Obviously, the code above only works if there is a table called contacts with the columns id, name and address in this order. At the end of the loop the cursor will be automatically closed by the driver.