--- title: index ref: index lang: en --- Documentation Index =================== == Contributing to the Documentation Contributions to the documentation are very welcome, check out the web presence section in the link:/development.html[development page]. == Presentations and Documents 1. https://gitlab.com/g10h4ck/presentazione-SAX2016-reveal.js[Interoperability between classic infrastructure and LibreMesh networks in Guifi.net - Presentation delivered at SAX2016] 2. http://nicolasacco.diveni.re/~gio/internship-report/main.html[Interoperability between classic infrastructure and LibreMesh networks in Guifi.net - Gioacchino Mazzurco thesis (HTML preview)] 3. http://nicolasacco.diveni.re/~gio/internship-report/internship-report-final.pdf[Interoperability between classic infrastructure and LibreMesh networks in Guifi.net - Gioacchino Mazzurco thesis (Printable PDF)] 4. https://gitlab.com/g10h4ck/lime-guifi-interop-internship-report[Interoperability between classic infrastructure and LibreMesh networks in Guifi.net - Gioacchino Mazzurco thesis (Source)]