libiio  0.10
Library for interfacing with IIO devices
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Data Structures | Functions
Debug and low-level functions

Data Structures

struct  iio_data_format
 Contains the format of a data sample. More...


__api ssize_t iio_device_get_sample_size (const struct iio_device *dev)
 Get the current sample size. More...
__api __pure long iio_channel_get_index (const struct iio_channel *chn)
 Get the index of the given channel. More...
__api __cnst const struct
iio_channel_get_data_format (const struct iio_channel *chn)
 Get a pointer to a channel's data format structure. More...
__api void iio_channel_convert (const struct iio_channel *chn, void *dst, const void *src)
 Convert the sample from hardware format to host format. More...
__api void iio_channel_convert_inverse (const struct iio_channel *chn, void *dst, const void *src)
 Convert the sample from host format to hardware format. More...
__api __pure unsigned int iio_device_get_debug_attrs_count (const struct iio_device *dev)
 Enumerate the debug attributes of the given device. More...
__api __pure const char * iio_device_get_debug_attr (const struct iio_device *dev, unsigned int index)
 Get the debug attribute present at the given index. More...
__api __pure const char * iio_device_find_debug_attr (const struct iio_device *dev, const char *name)
 Try to find a debug attribute by its name. More...
__api ssize_t iio_device_debug_attr_read (const struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, char *dst, size_t len)
 Read the content of the given debug attribute. More...
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_read_all (struct iio_device *dev, int(*cb)(struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, const char *value, size_t len, void *d), void *data)
 Read the content of all debug attributes. More...
__api ssize_t iio_device_debug_attr_write (const struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, const char *src)
 Set the value of the given debug attribute. More...
__api ssize_t iio_device_debug_attr_write_raw (const struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, const void *src, size_t len)
 Set the value of the given debug attribute. More...
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_write_all (struct iio_device *dev, ssize_t(*cb)(struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, void *buf, size_t len, void *d), void *data)
 Set the values of all debug attributes. More...
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_read_bool (const struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, bool *val)
 Read the content of the given debug attribute. More...
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_read_longlong (const struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, long long *val)
 Read the content of the given debug attribute. More...
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_read_double (const struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, double *val)
 Read the content of the given debug attribute. More...
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_write_bool (const struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, bool val)
 Set the value of the given debug attribute. More...
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_write_longlong (const struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, long long val)
 Set the value of the given debug attribute. More...
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_write_double (const struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, double val)
 Set the value of the given debug attribute. More...
__api int iio_device_identify_filename (const struct iio_device *dev, const char *filename, struct iio_channel **chn, const char **attr)
 Identify the channel or debug attribute corresponding to a filename. More...
__api int iio_device_reg_write (struct iio_device *dev, uint32_t address, uint32_t value)
 Set the value of a hardware register. More...
__api int iio_device_reg_read (struct iio_device *dev, uint32_t address, uint32_t *value)
 Get the value of a hardware register. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

__api void iio_channel_convert ( const struct iio_channel chn,
void *  dst,
const void *  src 

Convert the sample from hardware format to host format.

chnA pointer to an iio_channel structure
dstA pointer to the destination buffer where the converted sample should be written
srcA pointer to the source buffer containing the sample
__api void iio_channel_convert_inverse ( const struct iio_channel chn,
void *  dst,
const void *  src 

Convert the sample from host format to hardware format.

chnA pointer to an iio_channel structure
dstA pointer to the destination buffer where the converted sample should be written
srcA pointer to the source buffer containing the sample
__api __cnst const struct iio_data_format* iio_channel_get_data_format ( const struct iio_channel chn)

Get a pointer to a channel's data format structure.

chnA pointer to an iio_channel structure
A pointer to the channel's iio_data_format structure
__api __pure long iio_channel_get_index ( const struct iio_channel chn)

Get the index of the given channel.

chnA pointer to an iio_channel structure
On success, the index of the specified channel
On error, a negative errno code is returned
__api ssize_t iio_device_debug_attr_read ( const struct iio_device dev,
const char *  attr,
char *  dst,
size_t  len 

Read the content of the given debug attribute.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
attrA NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute
dstA pointer to the memory area where the NULL-terminated string corresponding to the value read will be stored
lenThe available length of the memory area, in bytes
On success, the number of bytes written to the buffer
On error, a negative errno code is returned

NOTE:By passing NULL as the "attr" argument to iio_device_debug_attr_read, it is now possible to read all of the debug attributes of a device.

The buffer is filled with one block of data per debug attribute of the device, by the order they appear in the iio_device structure.

The first four bytes of one block correspond to a 32-bit signed value in network order. If negative, it corresponds to the errno code that were returned when reading the debug attribute; if positive, it corresponds to the length of the data read. In that case, the rest of the block contains the data.

__api int iio_device_debug_attr_read_all ( struct iio_device dev,
int(*)(struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, const char *value, size_t len, void *d)  cb,
void *  data 

Read the content of all debug attributes.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
cbA pointer to a callback function
dataA pointer that will be passed to the callback function
On success, 0 is returned
On error, a negative errno code is returned

NOTE: This function is especially useful when used with the network backend, as all the debug attributes are read in one single command.

__api int iio_device_debug_attr_read_bool ( const struct iio_device dev,
const char *  attr,
bool *  val 

Read the content of the given debug attribute.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
attrA NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute
valA pointer to a bool variable where the value should be stored
On success, 0 is returned
On error, a negative errno code is returned
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_read_double ( const struct iio_device dev,
const char *  attr,
double *  val 

Read the content of the given debug attribute.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
attrA NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute
valA pointer to a double variable where the value should be stored
On success, 0 is returned
On error, a negative errno code is returned
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_read_longlong ( const struct iio_device dev,
const char *  attr,
long long *  val 

Read the content of the given debug attribute.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
attrA NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute
valA pointer to a long long variable where the value should be stored
On success, 0 is returned
On error, a negative errno code is returned
__api ssize_t iio_device_debug_attr_write ( const struct iio_device dev,
const char *  attr,
const char *  src 

Set the value of the given debug attribute.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
attrA NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute
srcA NULL-terminated string to set the debug attribute to
On success, the number of bytes written
On error, a negative errno code is returned

NOTE:By passing NULL as the "attr" argument to iio_device_debug_attr_write, it is now possible to write all of the debug attributes of a device.

The buffer must contain one block of data per debug attribute of the device, by the order they appear in the iio_device structure.

The first four bytes of one block correspond to a 32-bit signed value in network order. If negative, the debug attribute is not written; if positive, it corresponds to the length of the data to write. In that case, the rest of the block must contain the data.

__api int iio_device_debug_attr_write_all ( struct iio_device dev,
ssize_t(*)(struct iio_device *dev, const char *attr, void *buf, size_t len, void *d)  cb,
void *  data 

Set the values of all debug attributes.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
cbA pointer to a callback function
dataA pointer that will be passed to the callback function
On success, 0 is returned
On error, a negative errno code is returned

NOTE: This function is especially useful when used with the network backend, as all the debug attributes are written in one single command.

__api int iio_device_debug_attr_write_bool ( const struct iio_device dev,
const char *  attr,
bool  val 

Set the value of the given debug attribute.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
attrA NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute
valA bool value to set the debug attribute to
On success, 0 is returned
On error, a negative errno code is returned
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_write_double ( const struct iio_device dev,
const char *  attr,
double  val 

Set the value of the given debug attribute.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
attrA NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute
valA double value to set the debug attribute to
On success, 0 is returned
On error, a negative errno code is returned
__api int iio_device_debug_attr_write_longlong ( const struct iio_device dev,
const char *  attr,
long long  val 

Set the value of the given debug attribute.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
attrA NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute
valA long long value to set the debug attribute to
On success, 0 is returned
On error, a negative errno code is returned
__api ssize_t iio_device_debug_attr_write_raw ( const struct iio_device dev,
const char *  attr,
const void *  src,
size_t  len 

Set the value of the given debug attribute.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
attrA NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute
srcA pointer to the data to be written
lenThe number of bytes that should be written
On success, the number of bytes written
On error, a negative errno code is returned
__api __pure const char* iio_device_find_debug_attr ( const struct iio_device dev,
const char *  name 

Try to find a debug attribute by its name.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
nameA NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute
On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string
If the name does not correspond to any known debug attribute of the given device, NULL is returned

NOTE: This function is useful to detect the presence of a debug attribute. It can also be used to retrieve the name of a debug attribute as a pointer to a static string from a dynamically allocated string.

__api __pure const char* iio_device_get_debug_attr ( const struct iio_device dev,
unsigned int  index 

Get the debug attribute present at the given index.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
indexThe index corresponding to the debug attribute
On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string
If the index is invalid, NULL is returned
__api __pure unsigned int iio_device_get_debug_attrs_count ( const struct iio_device dev)

Enumerate the debug attributes of the given device.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
The number of debug attributes found
__api ssize_t iio_device_get_sample_size ( const struct iio_device dev)

Get the current sample size.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
On success, the sample size in bytes
On error, a negative errno code is returned

NOTE: The sample size is not constant and will change when channels get enabled or disabled.

__api int iio_device_identify_filename ( const struct iio_device dev,
const char *  filename,
struct iio_channel **  chn,
const char **  attr 

Identify the channel or debug attribute corresponding to a filename.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
filenameA NULL-terminated string corresponding to the filename
chnA pointer to a pointer of an iio_channel structure. The pointed pointer will be set to the address of the iio_channel structure if the filename correspond to the attribute of a channel, or NULL otherwise.
attrA pointer to a NULL-terminated string. The pointer pointer will be set to point to the name of the attribute corresponding to the filename.
On success, 0 is returned, and *chn and *attr are modified.
On error, a negative errno code is returned. *chn and *attr are not modified.
__api int iio_device_reg_read ( struct iio_device dev,
uint32_t  address,
uint32_t *  value 

Get the value of a hardware register.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
addressThe address of the register
valueA pointer to the variable where the value will be written
On success, 0 is returned
On error, a negative errno code is returned
__api int iio_device_reg_write ( struct iio_device dev,
uint32_t  address,
uint32_t  value 

Set the value of a hardware register.

devA pointer to an iio_device structure
addressThe address of the register
valueThe value to set the register to
On success, 0 is returned
On error, a negative errno code is returned