▼ include | |
cmdln_macro.h | |
fsg_set.h | Public functions for FSG decoding |
pocketsphinx.h | Main header file for the PocketSphinx decoder |
pocketsphinx_export.h | |
ps_lattice.h | Word graph search |
ps_mllr.h | Model-space linear transforms for speaker adaptation |
▼ src | |
▼ libpocketsphinx | |
acmod.c | Acoustic model structures for PocketSphinx |
acmod.h | Acoustic model structures for PocketSphinx |
bin_mdef.c | |
bin_mdef.h | Binary format model definition files, with support for heterogeneous topologies and variable-size N-phones |
blkarray_list.c | |
blkarray_list.h | |
dict.c | |
dict.h | Operations on dictionary |
dict2pid.c |
dict2pid.h | Building triphones for a dictionary |
fsg_history.c | |
fsg_history.h | |
fsg_lextree.c | The collection of all the lextrees for the entire FSM |
fsg_lextree.h | |
fsg_search.c | |
fsg_search_internal.h | |
hmm.c | |
hmm.h | Implementation of HMM base structure |
mdef.c | |
mdef.h | Model definition |
ms_gauden.c | |
ms_gauden.h | (Sphinx 3.0 specific) Gaussian density module |
ms_mgau.c | |
ms_mgau.h | (Sphinx 3.0 specific) A module that wraps up the code of gauden and senone because they are closely related |
ms_senone.c | |
ms_senone.h | (Sphinx 3.0 specific) multiple streams senones |
ngram_search.c | N-Gram based multi-pass search ("FBS") |
ngram_search.h | N-Gram based multi-pass search ("FBS") |
ngram_search_fwdflat.c | Flat lexicon search |
ngram_search_fwdflat.h | Flat lexicon based Viterbi search |
ngram_search_fwdtree.c | Lexicon tree search |
ngram_search_fwdtree.h | Lexicon tree based Viterbi search |
phone_loop_search.c | |
phone_loop_search.h | Fast and rough context-independent phoneme loop search |
pocketsphinx.c | |
pocketsphinx_internal.h | Internal implementation of PocketSphinx decoder |
ps_alignment.c | Multi-level alignment structure |
ps_alignment.h | Multi-level alignment structure |
ps_lattice.c | Word graph search |
ps_lattice_internal.h | Word graph search implementation |
ps_mllr.c | Model-space linear transforms for speaker adaptation |
ptm_mgau.c | |
ptm_mgau.h | Fast phonetically-tied mixture evaluation |
s2_semi_mgau.c | |
s2_semi_mgau.h | |
s3types.h | Size definition of semantically units |
state_align_search.c | State (and phone and word) alignment search |
state_align_search.h | State (and phone and word) alignment search |
tied_mgau_common.h | Common code shared between SC and PTM (tied-state) models |
tmat.c | |
tmat.h | Transition matrix data structure |
vector.c | |
vector.h |