PocketSphinx  0.6
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cacmod_sAcoustic model structure
 Castar_seg_sSegmentation "iterator" for A* search results
 Cbptbl_sBack pointer table (forward pass lattice; actually a tree)
 Cbptbl_seg_sSegmentation "iterator" for backpointer table results
 Cchan_sLexical tree node data type
 Cciphone_tCI phone information
 Cdag_seg_sSegmentation "iterator" for backpointer table results
 Cdict2pid_tBuilding composite triphone (as well as word internal triphones) with the dictionary
 Cdict_tStructure for a dictionary
 Cdictword_tStructure for one dictionary word
 Cfsg_lextree_sCollection of lextrees for an FSG
 Cfsg_search_sImplementation of FSG search (and "FSG set") structure
 Cfsg_seg_sSegmentation "iterator" for FSG history
 Cgauden_dist_tStructure to store distance (density) values for a given input observation wrt density values in some given codebook
 Cgauden_tMultivariate gaussian mixture density parameters
 Chmm_context_tShared information between a set of HMMs
 Chmm_tAn individual HMM among the HMM search space
 Clatlink_list_sLinked list of DAG link pointers
 Cmdef_tThe main model definition structure
 Cms_mgau_tMulti-stream mixture gaussian
 Cngram_search_sN-Gram search module structure
 Cngram_search_stats_sVarious statistics for profiling
 Cph_lc_tStructures for storing the left context
 Cph_rc_tStructures needed for mapping <ci,lc,rc,wpos> into pid
 Cphone_loop_renorm_sRenormalization event
 Cphone_loop_sPhone loop structure
 Cphone_loop_search_sPhone loop search structure
 Cphone_tTriphone information, including base phones as a subset
 Cps_astar_sA* search structure
 Cps_decoder_sDecoder object
 Cps_latlink_sLinks between DAG nodes
 Cps_latnode_sDAG nodes
 Cps_latpath_sPartial path structure used in N-best (A*) search
 Cps_lattice_sWord graph structure used in bestpath/nbest search
 Cps_mllr_sFeature space linear transform structure
 Cps_search_sBase structure for search module
 Cps_searchfuncs_sV-table for search algorithm
 Cps_seg_sBase structure for hypothesis segmentation iterator
 Croot_chan_sLexical tree node data type for the first phone (root) of each dynamic HMM tree structure
 Csenone_t8-bit senone PDF structure
 Cstate_align_search_sPhone loop search structure
 Ctmat_tTransition matrix data structure
 Cxwdssid_tCross word triphone model structure