
db_codegen [-Vv] [-a c] [-i file] [-o file]

The db_codegen utility generates application code to create and configure Berkeley DB database environments and databases based on a simple description language, and writes it to one or more output files. The generated code may need modification, in the case of complicated applications, but will usually significantly reduce the time required to create Berkeley DB applications.

The options are as follows:

-a -i -o -V -v

The db_codegen utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

C Language Specific Information

By default, when the db_codegen utility generates C-language code, the output file is named "application.c". The output filename can be specified with -o option.

At the beginning of the output file is a list of public database environment (DB_ENV) handles and database (DB) handles, as specified by the description language. The database environment handle variables are named "XXX_dbenv", where "XXX" is the name of the environment in the input specification. For databases associated with a database environment, the database handle variables are named "XXX_YYY", where "XXX" is the name of the environment, and "YYY" is the name of the database. For standalone databases, the database handle variables are named "XXX", where "XXX" is the name of the database.

There are two public functions in the output file: bdb_startup and bdb_shutdown. The bdb_startup function should be called to create and configure the database environments and databases, and the bdb_shutdown function should be called to gracefully shut down the environments and databases.

Specification Language

The db_codegen uses a simple description language:

There are two top-level objects: "environment" and "database", which correspond to database environments and databases, respectively. These top-level objects can be associated with keywords to describe their configuration and relationships.

For example, the following input would create two standalone databases:

database data_one {
    type btree
database data_two {
    type btree

In this case, there would be no DB_ENV handle, and the public DB handles would be:

DB      *data_one;
DB      *data_two;

For example, the following input would create a database environment which contains three databases:

environment myenv {
    database data_one {
	type btree
    database data_two {
    	type btree
    database data_three {
    	type btree

In this case, the public DB_ENV and DB handles would be:

DB_ENV  *myenv_dbenv;
DB      *myenv_data_one;
DB      *myenv_data_two;
DB      *myenv_data_three;

A variety of keywords can be specified for the databases and the environments. For example, the cache size can be specified for the database environment, and the page size can be specified for the database, as well as secondary relationships:

environment myenv {
    cachesize 2 0 10
    database data_one {
    	type btree
    	pagesize 1024
    database data_two {
	primary data_one
	secondary_offset 10 15
    	type btree
    	pagesize 32768
    database data_three {
    	type btree
    	pagesize 512
Environment Keywords
environment home cachesize private }
Database Keywords
database custom dupsort extentsize key_type pagesize primary recnum re_len secondary_offset transaction type }

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